FHE has published seven army list booklets with a total of 276 army lists for use with Warrior. Each booklet focuses on a historical era and geographic location. Biblical, Dark Age and New World Warrior lists are available for free on this site. Here is a listing of the Warrior army lists booklets and their publication date. Follow each link for a list of armies contained in each book and, more importantly, any changes or updates made to lists after publication.
BIBLICAL WARRIOR. Revised and republished May 2008. 36 lists covering armies of the Bronze and early Iron Ages.
DARK AGE WARRIOR. Revised and republished July 2009. 36 lists covering armies of the European Dark Ages, the early Byzantines, and the Muslim expansion.
HOLY WARRIOR. Published November 2002. 36 lists covering armies of the Crusades and North Africa.
NEW WORLD WARRIOR. Published February 2003. 8 lists covering armies of North and South America with MASSIVE historical notes Click on the link to download a PDF copy of these lists.
FEUDAL WARRIOR. Published July 2003. 40 lists covering western Europe from about 1100-1485 AD.
IMPERIAL WARRIOR. Published March 2004. 36 lists covering armies of the Mediterreanean basin including the late Roman Republic and end of the Empire.
ORIENTAL WARRIOR. Published January 2005. 44 lists covering armies of Eastern, Central, and South Asia.
CLASSICAL WARRIOR. Published April 2005. 40 lists covering the Hellenistic world including early Rome and Carthage.
Alternative lists. Go here for unapproved list variations for both Warrior and Fast Warrior. If any list gets added to the "approved" category, we will add another section.
Fast Warrior List Clarifications. Go here for any updates or changes to Fast Warrior lists. Scroll to the bottom of the page to see what's new or what's changed. Remember, to see any changes or updates to Warrior lists, follow the individual book links above.